Cir Cu Lar of in for Ma Tion for the Use of Hu Man Blood
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This cir cu lar was pre pared jointly by AABB, Amer ica’s Blood Cen ters, and the Amer i can Red Cross, and is rec og nized as ac cept able by the Food and Drug Ad min is tra tion. The on line ver sion of the Cir cu lar of In for ma tion may not be mod i fied in any way with out the ex press per mis sion of the AABB, ABC, and ARC. July 2002. For a printed copy of the Cir cu lar, please con tact the AABB sales de part ment or on line “Bookstore.” Please ref er ence this Web site’s “Terms of Use” for ad di tional in for ma tion.
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